The Penthouse 2: War in Life (2021) Episode 9

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22 Comments to “The Penthouse 2: War in Life (2021) Episode 9

  1. Why is no one talking about jenny and her mom her appreciating her mom made me cry gotta love the character development we see with ma ri and jenny

  2. This series is constantly making me go “I don’t like you, but….” with some of these characters lol

  3. Omg Na Ae Gyo is Su Ryeon!! I cant believe shes alive!! I hope she gets the revenge needed because boy she went through hell for no reason – lost her daughter, nearly got killed and didnt get treated right. I hope she ruins Joo dan tae and also gets w Logan! ig they would look good tog :)))

    1. fuck your dumb bald ass ugly ass skinny pencil penis ass nasty ass goofy ass for srsly spoiling a moment like learn learn how to control big fucking mouth next time whore

  4. okay but the love between director cheon and yoon chul is so forced and annoying, like first season she was cheating on him and everything, didn’t consider his feelings but when he finally finds love, TRUE love with yoon hee, cheon has a sudden realization she loves him and uses her daughter from keeping him from yoon hee, so manipulative. I find it hard to sympathize with her for all she had done, I mean she really does take everything from yoon hee, her trophy, her fame, her future and gave birth to a demon child and made that poor kid hate yoon hees daughter who did absolutely nothing but get into a prestigious school for having a nice voice, and all of that cost her bae to na’s life. Very selfish of cheon to wipe Eun byeols memory and only apologize to yoon hee because she wanted something in return. Do yall see the resemblance….seok hoon is yoon chul and eun byeol and bae to an are mirrors of their parents. Cheon deserves everything she gets, in my opinion.

    1. Nah their love isnt forced. It was pretty clear in season 1 that he cared for seon cheon , and that she was only interested in that other guy bc he gave her attention and “love” that yoon chul didnt give. In season 2 she slept with him because she still had lingering feelings, and when he approched her after that to see if it was a mistake, she wavered.
      She was also jealous of how he treated yoon hee bc she always wished to get treated that way. She was also vulnearable infront of him for the very first time, and learned to trust him.

    2. except seok hoon didn’t betray Ro na, h might not have been with her when her mother was falsely accused but at least he never chose eun byeol over her.

  5. guys please give them time to upload subtitles, they are human too and are not always glued to the screen

      1. i agree with ur opinion but some people can be impatience and most people that watch penthouse do not understand korean so it can be tempting…

    1. You don’t understand how much ⟟ hated director cheon at start still do when it comes to some points but ⟟ kinda have sympathy for her cause i mean it’s ⏃ mother’s love