Sisyphus: The Myth (2021) Episode 9

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3 Comments to “Sisyphus: The Myth (2021) Episode 9

  1. number 2 lame thing that Father of Seo Hae leaves is wife and daugther in the midde disaster, that will never happen in a real life emergency scenario,

    number 3 lame thing is If that Father of Seo Hae knows how many minutes has left before the nuclear attacked will happen then he is from the future as well,, then he already should know that he should never left his wife and daughter in the field that disaster is occurring.

  2. episode 9’s store line has a lot of holes in it..
    for example. The engineer in the story, whom the character suppose to be a genius. go in a amusement park and out of the field without any disguises. it is sort a lame thing to do for an genius engineer who is capable of doing all impossible time machine and dyi gadget but not foresee the outcome of his actions.. if he is truly are a genius like what is said in his character.. he will use all his asset and capability to win even without any sort of knowledge of self defense. well it is quit disappointing.