Perfect and Casual (2020) Episode 15

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2 Comments to “Perfect and Casual (2020) Episode 15

  1. I love this episode so much…
    You see how Mr. Meng and Mr. Zhang show their love for Yunshu… both in a very unique way. Mr. Meng is very confident and vocal to say how much he loved Yunshu. He is so extravagant and make a little show off but definitely just his way to show it. He doesnt seem to brag around. He is just happy to show it. While on the other hand, Mr. Zhang, though confused and seeming doesnt know what to do and how he would express his love, yet he would show his support in what Yunshu does. Mr. Zhang respects Yunshu and loves her dearly… his gentleness and soft and calm voice would surely make Yunshu fall. Oh boys…