Delayed Justice (2020) Episode 4

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2 Comments to “Delayed Justice (2020) Episode 4

  1. My heartbreak for these guys, they’re being downgraded by that prosecutor and those detectives who made a mistake because their lazy a*s couldn’t get up and investigate properly. I wish I could just go into the screen and slap their sorry excuse of existence into mars.

  2. Evil isbad, but when you are stupid and evil, that is worse as that awful show off replusive character who is so proud that he achieved greatness from nothing.

    Love the lawyer lady and how she put the cards on the table with them. Because, all they can see is the money and why they did not look beyond, even though the female reporter said it did not seem right.

    That insuffiable pig said: 6 year’s in prison is nothing. Ok, dear sir, why not you be put away for 6 years then, eh?