A Good Supper (2021) Episode 117

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2 Comments to “A Good Supper (2021) Episode 117

  1. This drama is such total bull sh*t it makes me ??. I don’t think this writer has done an ounce of research on human psychology or criminal justice. (Clueless writer…you can’t create a character who is clinically narcissistic—a near-impossible mental illness to cure—then make them spontaneously erupt into a remorseful person acknowledging their wrong doing. That would NEVER happen in real life. Few of the characters were believable. The writer must also be a total pervert to try to normalize and even promote adoptee incest. I’m guessing that didn’t get good feedback, since they created such a totally bizarre, ridiculous ending. Well…actually the whole storyline has been ridiculous, so I guess the ending just fits in with the other garbage. KDrama must be so desperate for scripts they’re producing anything.

  2. You must have changed the storyline given the scruntiny you must be getting from some of your veiwers. But what they don’t understand is that they are viewing it on their own perspectives in life ,the real message is about family upbringing and true love without cultural definition or baised tradition. He started the whole family foundation that made them become one and the most selfless one among them all .He might be old enough to be his brother or uncle but certainly not his father. They stated from the beginning that she never saw him as a fathering figure that’s why she used the phrase young man all the time and he never crossed any boundaries on his part she decided every decision she took as an adult on her own i don’t see why you would call it disgusting while I learnt alot from this movie it takes a village to raise a responsible child.