The Penthouse 2: War in Life (2021) Episode 4

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34 Comments to “The Penthouse 2: War in Life (2021) Episode 4

  1. That head of art guy is such an ass-kisser, every time i see it i feel like vomiting. she’s right Seok Kyung does feel guilty. the slap Jenny’s mom gave was very hefty, lmfao.

  2. They’re all unconsciously aiming at each other. Dan Tae wants Seok Hyung to win and is bribing Doo Ki, Seo Jin wants Eun Byeol to win and probably would find a way to let her. So if Eun Byeool wins then Seok Hyung will probably go off on Eun Byeol, then Dan Tae would go off, most likely on Doo Ki, then DOO KI will go off. Then that will break Dan Tae and Seo Jin’s relationship, and a whole chain reaction happens. IDK if it will happen that smoothly though, since these people are feisty. I’m so excited to see how the bad guys will turn on each other.

  3. So no one gonna talk about here in the comments About JENNY!? Tbh I cried a little the scene with bae Ro na and all the other parents tbh I kinda feel bad for Jenny even she was once a bully but I’m happy I want Bae Ro Na and Jenny to team up or be friends and I forgot seok hoon I want 3 of them to get along and I want jenny’s mom to team up with yoon hee and I’m glad she realized her mistake

  4. So no one gonna talk about here in the comments ABOUT JENNY??! Tbh im so happy and I cry I little tbh I feel bad for Jenny too even she was a bully once and I want RONA and JENNY to become a team and be friends and I forgot lying hoon I want 3 of them to get along and jenny’s mom I’m glad she realize her mistake and u want her to team up with yoon hee

    1. Omg i agree, she like ruins everything her mum has worked for. Like her mum is trying hard shes not the evil one and bae ro na just is getting in the way. Like shes ok but she causes too much drama

      1. you sure she causes the mess, ever since she got there they been on her back bc of her mother being falsely accused of murder. but the point is if yall mad stop watching yall working my nerves hating on a person who really came from rags to riches. so keep hating on a baddie don’t tell me yall on them evil hoes side unt unt couldn’t be me

  5. Exactly, they need to stop demanding for new episodes or subtitles, it not like they don’t know that this app is free. This new people are going to be the reason why dramacool will start asking for money

  6. Exactly, they need to stop demanding for new episodes or subtitles, it not like they don’t know that this app is free. This new people are going to be the reason why dramacool will start asking for money

  7. i think eunbyeol is the girl who fell from the stairs. because rona is wearing a turtleneck dress and the one who fell doesnt, its not seokyung either because she’s not wearing a necklace. but it think seokyung attacked eunbyeol.

  8. i think eunbyeol is the girl who fell down the stairs, because rona is wearing a turtleneck gown and its not seokyung either because seokyung doesnt wear a necklace. so i think seokyung attacked eunbyeol.


    Omgggg the necklace ha yoon-cheol gave bae rona , its the one the girl who fell down the stairs is wearinggggg
    they gonna kill bae ro na D:::::::::::::

    1. i kinda think it’s eunbyul maybe she stole it from Rona cause Rona has Logan to back her up
      well it’s what i hope cause if eunbyul dies cheon seo jin will lose her mind and the drama will be more intense but if rona dies it’s just gonna be another dissapointment for viewers like shim su ryun’s death

      1. I think that person who will fall on the staircase is Seok Kyung. Cheon Seo Jin wants to hide the secret from killing her father. But we’re not sure who is going to die at Cheong Art Festival. Let’s find out in a few episodes this week.

      2. yes its eunbyeol because rona is wearing a turtleneck gown and the girl who fell down doesnt. its not seokyung either because seokyung is not wearing a necklace. i think seokyung will kill eunbyeol

    1. Takes a day or so. So you should check on the day after it’s released to get the full English subs.

    2. Exactly, it getting annoying that they all keep demanding like this app is not already free. I just wish dramacool could go back to the way it was back then.

    3. Exactly, it getting annoying that they keep demanding for a new episode like they don’t know that this app is free. They need to watch their self before dramacool start asking us to pay

    4. Exactly, they need to stop demanding for new episodes or subtitles, it not like they don’t know that this app is free. This new people are going to be the reason why dramacool will start asking for money

    5. Exactly, they need to stop demanding for new episodes or subtitles, it not like they don’t know that this app is free. This new people are going to be the reason why dramacool will start asking for money