Record of Youth (2020) Episode 12

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4 Comments to “Record of Youth (2020) Episode 12

  1. Jeong ha should be professional, she choose to date with stars and she need to handle all the hard feeling. What i see here, Sa haejun tryin his best to be a good bf even though he busy with his schedule. He has to take care of the feelings of those people at the same time,his lover, family and his friends, it going to be hard for haejun too,so what she need to do rn is ‘understanding’ haejun career. Well i think, if won hae popular like haejun, he will have the same problem. Ps: sorry for my broken eng lol?

  2. Poor jeong ha. I couldn’t help but cry at that scene in the rain. Thanks to Haejun she started not to feel lonely anymore during rainy days but now she is starting to feel just as lonely again. I’m loving Hae wo’s Character by each ep. he is a good friend and a good person.
    I’m so curious about next week’s turn of events.