Psychopath Diary Episode 16

Category: Psychopath Diary

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15 Comments to “Psychopath Diary Episode 16

  1. This show was really nice lol,…. In woo’s story is just another case of gas lighting, manipulation and many other mental emotional and physical abuse he had to endure from his family especially his father, after his mom passed, and things like this happen in real life almost everyday,… If these ppl will get help they wouldn’t have turned out how they are,… And yes you can say dong sik went through the same especially at work,… But he was taught compassion by his mom and held onto that,.. And dong sik didn’t have to grow up in a family like In woo, and then sometimes it all leads up to how much you can endure, in woo was taught to crush and step on ppl, be competitive, had to do things to earn even a glance of love from his father,… Both situations were toxic and sad,.. Unfortunately and the worst part again these things happen in real life,… So yeah I felt sorry for in woo to a point…

    I was also low-key hoping they would’ve ended it showing dong sik as a murderer lol… But I love this show was DEFINITELY worth the watch

  2. Is it just me? Or anyone else felt bad for SEO in woo? Poor him he is gonna be bullied like everyday of his life ?.
    I loved this series. Have no idea why this is not hit

  3. A good story indeed.

    I admire the casts and everyone involved in this. Thank you.

    I actually did not sleep for 2 days straight just to finish this very interesting story.

    I kind of pitied the limping PK at the end. He should have not been played at like that, he should be punished in a state in which he is wholesome.

    And as such, I am not quite satisfied with his punishment. After killing all those weak socially disadvantaged individuals, I expect that his ending will be in hell.

    And repent what he has done.

    For I believe, each and every one of us, has the killer inside, it’s our defense mechanism, whether we balanced it out with goodness is our choice.

    I also believe that branding people that think twistedly different from the majority as psychopath, and creating an invisible wall around them, is not a good choice of action.

    Everyone has animal instinct within, and it’s up to us to tame it, and understand that everyone is facing the same battles inside of them. When we learn to acknowledge and accept who we think we are, and also accept who others are. We will have a better community.

    Respect, kindness and understanding.

  4. I enjoyed watching this drama.Kinda unique and you will never be bored. I love that they quote lines from thriller movies ahaha funny and smart at the same way. Dong Shik is both Dumb and Smart at the same time? I dont know what to expect in the first episodes but he kinda got into me cause he looks like he’s been influenced by the real killer and because he loves watching and reading thriller, psycho stuffs he kinda acquire the skills? or is it the mindset? I recommend people to watch this. No romance just pure story.

  5. Ohhh its the end… im gonna missed them all!!!!
    Their tandem are amazing. Looking forward for their next drama. God bless!!!