Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 8

Category: Mr. Queen (2020)

Dear Dramacool users, you're watching Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 8 with english subs.

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26 Comments to “Mr. Queen (2020) Episode 8

    1. It’s 9 PM in Korea but in the other country 10 or 11 because they can only post it after it’s been fully air in Korea. Plus the time for putting an English sub takes 2 to 3 hours and their sleep time so it will update soon with english sub?

  1. I am really in love with every episode it is always surprising how the leading actors Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun love team chemistry and as well the supporting actors and actresses how they did so well thats why i am so excited always for the next episode even theres no english sub am still watching…Please provide more episodes every week…

  2. I’m looking forward in the next episode, Thank you Dramacool for providing us full episodes of the dramas we want to Watch..??❤❤