Itaewon Class Episode 8

Category: Itaewon Class

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24 Comments to “Itaewon Class Episode 8

  1. I am seeing that a lot of people saying that yi seo is heartless and racist . Yeah I know Ye Seo doesn’t have a likable character. But at the same time she is very straightforward about this. She doesn’t pretend to be nice or cute like other female leads. Also she is not violent. She can just defend herself. In real life, people are not that kind at all especially women. That’s why I find her character so realistic. She is badass you believe it or not.

  2. that young boy *jjang’s son* situation with yi seo and her love to seori reminds me of hyungsik and go ahra in hwarang…boyyy how i cried for them both, how can someone be so pure and innocent yet so unlucky? waeeee ;-;

  3. I cannot find it in me to like Yi Seo, they’re trying so hard to make her likeable but i can’t find it in me to. She’s was being flat out racist to Toni and her big ego is so annoying.

    1. Same here. Ever since the start of the drama, I’ve been trying so hard to like her, but her character is too much for me. She’s a great actress, I can say that! There are times she can be cute too, but her attitude though! However, I know she won’t betray Saeoryi…she might just be plotting to help him. I can’t wait for next week.

      1. that is truee!!!! i always try so hard to see her “perspective”, but nothing can justify her answer. she is very manipulative also i hate that

    1. have you ever been a white man in Africa or the bronx and please the slave trade was in jewish hands.

        1. Don’t worry, George is just saying idiotic things like this because he can. He just wants to be an a***hole for some stupid reason