I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day Episode 14

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2 Comments to “I’ll Find You on a Beautiful Day Episode 14

  1. I think this story is beautifully depicted, and the brokenness of Haewon’s aunt speaks to me. The choices we make dreaming of a perfect ending don’t work out at times, and it’s okay. Life is a lot messier than we usually expect.

    I also love the character Hwi. I marvel at how sunny she is in each episode, I wait for her scenes.

  2. Twisted. I hope the theory that while the father was beating the car with a golf club, the sister may have instinctively hit the gas pedal. That isn’t a far fetched idea. But, this ep ended on a rather sad and hopeless note and it feels scary…like she’s going to run away now. So, Mother gets beaten, protects the sister, the sister gets glaucoma but refuses to have it treated and also loses her income and faithful boyfriend, and how the daughter is going to get all lonely and lost. Seems rather tragic to me. C’mon, Ladies. Show your resilience and power with grace and beauty.